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LANGUAGE, An invention made by the mankind thousands of years
ago to communicate among the community was one of the prime propellers for the
advancements we are witnessing today. Language matured along with the human
race and is playing a crucial role in this present day world. It’s always an
interesting aspect to investigate the genesis of language. There were many
conflicting theories that try to unveil the origins of this universal
necessity. One spool of thought believes that language is just a part of
Natural selection which always tries to make our lives better. Other
conflicting theory believes that language is an outcome of a matured
infrastructure in the Human brain. Let there be any theories, one question that
left unanswered was:
“Why people
at different locations of this planet speak different languages to convey a
common message?”
The number of distinctive languages in the world was expected
to be around 6909 and even researchers admit that this count is at a very farther
distance from the actual figure. We all feel comfortable to communicate and
express our views in our mother tongue. But the globalization today demands
multilingual skills from us. After the advent of globalization, the entire
world was compressed into a small global village where every part of it can be
accessed at a cost of a click. This broke the shackles and completely erased
the demographic boundaries which transformed everybody into a Universal
citizen. Though the globalization succeeded in gelling up the world, it failed
to remove the linguistic barriers which prevail in all parts of the world. This
triggered the thought of being bilingual to communicate and express our feelings
in a language that we are working or living in.
The need for learning a language other than our mother tongue
is humongous. In this competitive world, it’s really a mundane task to guess
the place or country that you are going to work in future. Right from our
school days we were taught in English, which obviously made us a bit
comfortable in English. But English is no more a Universal language. There are
many countries in the world which demand the knowledge and speaking abilities
in their respective languages. So, every one of us must keep our mind always
open to learn a new language. Poor speaking skills in the language (related to
the country where you are working in) can make you inferior. It also makes you
dependant on others always and sometimes you will be ill-treated also.
It is not so easy to speak a foreign language without a
proper practise equipped with some scientifically proven techniques. It’s easy
to read and write a language but that is not the case with speaking. It is
sufficient to practise alphabet of that language to read or write but in order
to speak well in that language it requires a lot of practise and expertise in
learning methods. Books (like “Learn Spanish in 30 days”) with some attractive
cover pages cannot help you instead it requires a scientific way with which our
human brain can easily assimilate the language. One such technique is the
“Pimsleur approach”.