We believe

"Human (We) can understand other Human (You) better than an algorithm (Google)"

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Linking the Earth and a Satellite with a LASER - NASA's Breakthrough

Watch a video

We have come a long distance in communication. A decade ago, Communication and its related gadgets were kind of luxury but now they have become a basic necessity which are affordable. With the advent of GPS in modern day mobile, we can roam with ease even in an unknown place. What exactly is that driving force behind all these services?    Obviously “SATELLITES”.                                                                                                             Satellites have become an integral part of this 21st century’s life. You pick one service and there will be a satellite communication involved in a way or other for its proper functioning. We are very much dependent on these satellites unknowingly and it’s not so easy to comprehend the effects of satellite shutdowns on our regular activities. In short we can say that our life will be as messy as you cannot imagine without the satellites and the network they use to communicate with all of us.

So, with this article we thought of making our readers aware of some basics of satellite, their functionality, and the way they communicate with all of us and eventually we take you to a revolutionary update that is going to change the way satellites handle the information.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Be a Babel fish

click here to navigate to the website
LANGUAGE, An invention made by the mankind thousands of years ago to communicate among the community was one of the prime propellers for the advancements we are witnessing today. Language matured along with the human race and is playing a crucial role in this present day world. It’s always an interesting aspect to investigate the genesis of language. There were many conflicting theories that try to unveil the origins of this universal necessity. One spool of thought believes that language is just a part of Natural selection which always tries to make our lives better. Other conflicting theory believes that language is an outcome of a matured infrastructure in the Human brain. Let there be any theories, one question that left unanswered was:

“Why people at different locations of this planet speak different languages to convey a common message?”          

The number of distinctive languages in the world was expected to be around 6909 and even researchers admit that this count is at a very farther distance from the actual figure. We all feel comfortable to communicate and express our views in our mother tongue. But the globalization today demands multilingual skills from us. After the advent of globalization, the entire world was compressed into a small global village where every part of it can be accessed at a cost of a click. This broke the shackles and completely erased the demographic boundaries which transformed everybody into a Universal citizen. Though the globalization succeeded in gelling up the world, it failed to remove the linguistic barriers which prevail in all parts of the world. This triggered the thought of being bilingual to communicate and express our feelings in a language that we are working or living in.  
The need for learning a language other than our mother tongue is humongous. In this competitive world, it’s really a mundane task to guess the place or country that you are going to work in future. Right from our school days we were taught in English, which obviously made us a bit comfortable in English. But English is no more a Universal language. There are many countries in the world which demand the knowledge and speaking abilities in their respective languages. So, every one of us must keep our mind always open to learn a new language. Poor speaking skills in the language (related to the country where you are working in) can make you inferior. It also makes you dependant on others always and sometimes you will be ill-treated also.
It is not so easy to speak a foreign language without a proper practise equipped with some scientifically proven techniques. It’s easy to read and write a language but that is not the case with speaking. It is sufficient to practise alphabet of that language to read or write but in order to speak well in that language it requires a lot of practise and expertise in learning methods. Books (like “Learn Spanish in 30 days”) with some attractive cover pages cannot help you instead it requires a scientific way with which our human brain can easily assimilate the language. One such technique is the “Pimsleur approach”.

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Can't we bear too much silence?

Orfield laboratory
In this 21st century, we are in the world of technology. Technology brought us a lot of luxury into our lives but also carried with it an unwanted entity. This unwanted thing that we usually encounter is NOISE. We must be aware that every unbearable noise you hear is a consequence of the advanced technology. So, our lives are filled with a lot of noise and the reasons for it are innumerable let it be from traffic, industry to airplanes flying over your head. Amidst of these noisy environments we always strive to spend some quality time in tranquillity. Every one seeks for a place where we can spend some time without the buzz of traffic and other noise and this is a universal wish. At this point of time we would like to ask you people a question.

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Will your brain becomes hyperactive after your heart stops pumping blood?

Human Brain- The mystery organ 
Human race has conquered many areas in the field of science and technology with rigorous research. One thing that is challenging even for the advanced science is to reverse the process of death. Death by nature is irrevocable and most of the efforts to challenge it went in vein. Over centuries, death is considered to be a sudden process and is declared when once the victim stops breathing and his/her heart stops beating. Researches in the field of medicine proved that this assumption is not exactly true. It was medically proved by the researchers that DEATH is not a spontaneous process instead it is gradual. At this juncture we would like to introduce a question for which the world failed to converge at a unique answer.
                                                    " What happens after death?? "
Well the answer for this question is quite debatable and brings a dichotomy between science and spirituality. This question spoiled many minds and even led those to commit suicide in an act of exploring the answer for this question.  We are actually not interested in discussing spiritual concepts here but we would like to share the advancement that science had achieved in answering the above question.
       Though modern day science is at a very far distance from reviving a person from death, it succeeded to unleash an extra physical state before eternal death. This physical state called “CLINICAL DEATH” is considered to be the ultimate physical living state that would exist in one’s life.

Thursday, 15 August 2013

Poor man's bulb - No need of Electricity

Moser with his Lamp   (Image credit BBC)
Electricity has become a vital asset in our lives. In our day to day life we depend on electricity for almost everything we do. The generation of electricity is carried out from non-renewable sources which may vanish one day or other in the coming future. Also, renewable installations like solar and wind power options have their own cons which impede their adoption in considerable numbers. With this growth in usage and ever hiking barrier between the supply and demand, the cost per unit of electricity is skyrocketing. This tremendous growth in the cost is shoving the lives of poor in to darkness. A lot of research is going on in the field of renewable energy utilization to make the electricity affordable to all but the efforts that they put in, failed to pull out satisfactory results. Keeping all these researches which are done by educated people aside, a Brazilian mechanic named “Alfredo Moser” came up with an option of natural way of lighting your home when there is availability of sunlight.  At this juncture, one may get the routine question in their minds “If there is abundant sunlight available then what is the need of lighting the home by additional means?”

Monday, 22 July 2013

Password Pills - Do we really need these?

Click here to watch video
In this internet regime, we depend greatly on internet based services to accomplish our tasks by expending little or no time and even with the least effort possible. Just think about our dependence on internet for a second ! We use it for bank transactions, purchases and even pass our time with some social networking and other entertaining stuff. This is a very minute list of tasks that we usually carry out using internet but our original list will be very humongous. One thing we find in common in all these internet based services is the authenticating procedure that the user encounters before he/she access the actual content in the service. This is a common and necessary procedure in order to avoid the one's individual content to reach the hands of lunatics and people with bad instincts. In order to protect the confidential and personal information every internet related service, let it be a banking website or a social networking site prompts you to create a membership and login with the registered username and password every time you visit their websites. This is the only procedure we are following to protect our online data for decades. Even though many complex encryption techniques were evolved in recent past, these techniques ultimately failed to restrict the hackers from intruding into the websites of some leading services with a massive user base. Usually we come across several incidents exposing the loopholes in the leading servers through which the black hat hackers grab the access of other's bank accounts and loot their money in a flash.

Friday, 28 June 2013

A better smart phone experience for visually impaired !!!!!

Expected design ( Image:kriyate.org)
         In this world of comfort loving people, gadgets play a crucial role in easing our tasks. We have a plethora of gadgets available like music machines,tablets,mobile phones and many more, which assists us in various ways. Since the past decade users started rating their gadgets based on the simplicity in the interface. In this span of a decade the conventional screens were completely substituted by the touch screen. Here arises a question. "Does these fancy touch screens provide same sort of user experience for the wide variety of users in the market?" The answer is obviously no. In this smart phone era we are utilizing our mobile phone in many ways for a wide variety of tasks with a matter of a touch. But we have to keep in mind that with these kind of touch screens and smart phone experience, we are actually complicating the mobile phone experience for some kind of users who are suffering from bad sight because it is hard to use a touch screen than a conventional keypad for visually impaired (Even we can hit an SMS without having a glance at the keypad but replicating the same task with a touch screen is practically impossible). Around 285 million suffer with the problem of bad eye sight world wide and one-fifth of that total value live in India. In order to overcome this barrier lot of proposals and utilities were introduced to provide a better experience for people with bad sight but they were not so successful due to several practical problems.

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Yet another renewable source of energy -- This time it is Football

click here to watch Soccket in action
It is a bitter truth to know that there are still some areas on this planet where common public dwell but purely depend only on the natural source of light other than electricity. These people are ignorant about the benefits of electricity and are at a million miles distance to artificial light. They spend their nights in darkness and occasionally depend on few oils for lighting up the home. Yes these are the pathetic lives of several citizens of rural Africa. These areas are off the grid and installation of solar panels and wind mills is not feasible and thus these areas are cursed with lack of electric facility. According to a survey by United nations Secretary General nearly 1.3 billion people or about one in five in the world lack basic electricity at home. So when the sun goes down in these villages there will be no electric lights to pierce the darkness and people depend on Kerosene and candles for light that too if they have money. So their life is always interrupted by darkness.

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Artificial Leaf - A reliable source of energy.

watch video
We all know that leaves are the parts of the tree that gives the required energy for the growth by using the process of Photosynthesis. In the process of photosynthesis, leaves take in the sunlight, water and carbon dioxide and produces glucose and releases all important oxygen into the atmosphere. This is how the leaves harness solar energy and convert them into the energy required for its growth. In 2011 researchers at MIT developed an artificial leaf technology to convert the solar energy into the useful form that can power our present day generators. These are a boon in the areas which lack electrical transmission infrastructure where these can be used to generate the power with the help of abundant sunlight and water.

Friday, 24 May 2013

Quick boost for your gadgets

watch video
Consider a situation where you need to attend a very important meeting and you forgot to charge your all important tablet PC (Without which you are dummy,pun intended ) last night and you have a very little time to reach the meeting place crossing the irritating traffic hurdle,what will you do? Hopeless?? Not any more!!! These kind of situations are quite common and we abuse ourselves for our negligence. A California based teenager's project in INTEL International Engineering and Science FAIR 2K13 addressed this problem and grabbed so much of attention in the technical fraternity.
Eesha Khare, an 18year old teen of Lynbrook high school ,Saratoga, calif has developed a super capacitor that can charge your phone with in a span of mere 20-30 seconds. Puzzled!!!!

Monday, 20 May 2013

An attempt to repair damaged heart !!!!!

Heart is the vital part of Human body. This is the first line that you come across if you read any article or an essay about Human heart. It is the chief organ which pumps the all important blood to all parts of the body and thereby supplying oxygen to other organs through blood and ensures proper functioning of the body. If there is any problem associated with the heart the pumping activity is affected and thereby supply of oxygen for several parts will be disturbed and leads to the death of the human cells and ultimately the victim. This kind of situation is popularly known as Heart attack or a Heat stroke. It is one of the serious problem that the world is confronting and this is the reason for majority of deaths in the world. A health survey estimated that by 2030 around 23 million people every year will be losing their lives only because of heart disorder. So this is one of the challenging task posed by the nature to address the problem of Heart failures. Several techniques were developed, tested and implemented and some of them are still in the labs testing for the next fraction of accuracy but nature seems to be the ultimate winner. This article focuses on the  latest on going and efficient techniques to fight this problem.

Friday, 10 May 2013

Kwikset Kevo - Open Your Door With Your Touch

Click here to watch demo
Have you ever seen a person entering a locked room without a key but with his own touch Yess hopefully in a Old black and white Indian Movie or in today's Sci-fi Hollywood action movie. But it is now our chance to experience the same thing to enter your sweet home without a physical key. Wanna try this?? Kwikset announced on Thursday a Bluetooth-enabled deadbolt lock that pairs up your iPhone 4S or iPhone 5, and will let you into your abode with a single touch Lets go.. deeper!!!!

What all should you have?? 
In order to achieve this touch screen entry into your home you need to have a Smartphone equipped with Bluetooth 4.0 and smart ready tech.. So if you already own an iPhone 4S or 5 you are almost done. A kwikset bluetooth enabled lock that must be fixed to you door and as i already said a bluetooth which has a smart ready tech capability are the ingredients needed to achieve this.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Crazy Engineering !!!!!!

Can we turn the standard LCD monitor into a touch screen with a bit of effort?????

                                              Source : extremetech.com

click to watch video   
The above line seems to be ridiculous because the LCD and touch screens work on two different principles. But nothing is impossible in the world where these  crazy engineers turn impossible tasks possible. Same is the case with the above line also. 
    Researchers at the University of Washington’s aptly named Ubiquitous Computing Lab can turn any LCD monitor in your house into a touchscreen, with nothing more than a $5 sensor that plugs into the wall and some intelligent software. They named the technology as UTOUCH  which works by the Electromagnetic interference(EMI) caused by your hand when it moves near or touches an LCD monitor.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Pedal Power - Charge your gadgets while cycling

Siva Cycle Atom Uses Your Bike To Charge Your Phone

In recent years, cycling has become less of a transportation choice and more of a passionate lifestyle, something people wear as a badge of honor and extoll like a religion. These cyclists already have all the reasons they need to choose a bike over any other mode of transport, and one new Kickstarter campaign is giving them another reason to choose pedal power. As smartphones and other devices become more integrated into our daily lives, it has become important to keep them fully charged at all times. This is rarely a problem for those who drive instead of ride, but diehard cyclists have had to look for other power options. The idea of transforming a turning wheel into power isn’t new, but Aaron Latzke and David Delcourt have fine tuned this approach with the easy-to-install Siva Cycle Atom, a bicycle-powered generator for the modern city dweller. Like other generators, the Atom uses a turning wheel to capture energy and hold it for later use. Unlike most others, however, it stores this energy in a removable and waterproof battery pack. As shown off in their Kickstarter video, cyclists ride to their local coffee shop, remove the Atom battery pack and charge their iPhones as they enjoy a morning cup of joe. The Atom can be plugged back into the generator afterwards and gather even more energy from the wheels.

Friday, 26 April 2013

A step forward in Mimicking Natural skin.

New research shows how arrays of tiny electronic devices can achieve human-skin-like sensitivity to mechanical force.
Arrays of transistors made of nanowires could form the basis of a new class of devices nearly as sensitive to mechanical force as human skin is. The inventor of the technology, Zhong Lin Wang, a professor of materials science and engineering at Georgia Tech, says it has immediate applications in human-machine interfaces. For example, it could be used to capture electronic signatures by recording the distinctive force an individual applies while signing. Down the road, says Wang, his group’s pressure sensor arrays could equip robotics and prosthetics with a human-like sense of touch.
    Electronically replicating the sensitivity of the human sense of touch has proved extremely challenging. Recently, some research groups have demonstrated that micro- or nanoelectronics assembled on flexible, bendable substrates could monitor pressure changes at a fairly high level of detail and thus could potentially act as a kind of “artificial skin.” In the new research, Wang’s group demonstrates nanoelectronics that offer at least a 15-fold enhancement in sensor density and spatial resolution compared to the previous approaches. Further, the electronic properties of the nanowires allowed the researchers to demonstrate through high-resolution imaging an improvement in sensitivity of two to three orders of magnitude. The density, resolution, and sensitivity of the sensors, says Wang, is comparable to that of the skin of a human finger.

Sunday, 21 April 2013

Elastic touch screens -- redefining the touch screen experience

     When touchscreens first became widespread on our mobile devices, the main complaint from touchscreen detractors was that it felt weird to poke at a flat surface rather than tactile buttons. Eventually, most of the mobile phone audience grew to either love or live with the flat touchscreen. Now, with an elastic touchscreen you can pull and poke, a project out of MIT’s Media Lab aims to put tactile sensation back into using your devices.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Must beleive -- Injectable Electronics

Miniature LED circuit
 If you think electronic implantation inside the human body is the most advanced medical technique then you are utterly wrong..Soon this concept of implanting electronic circuits inside the body is going to become obsolete. Now we are moving towards the age of Injectable electronics..
What is Injectable electronics?
Making electronic implants for the body is hard to do: Tissue is delicate and stiff components can irritate it. Then there’s getting those implants into the
                                                                                                relevant organ without invasive surgery.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

3D solar panels to be tested in space soon...

International Space Station (ISS)

An experimental 3D-textured solar cell is set to be bolted to the outside of the International Space Station (ISS), where it will experience 16 "sunrises" each day as part of a harsh performance test.
A proposal submitted by W. Jud Ready, a professor of materials science at Georgia Tech, to study the performance of his "3D" textured solar cell in space was recently accepted by the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS), the organization that manages research onboard the ISS. His solar cell, made from carbon nanotubes coated in an experimental light-absorbing material, will hitch a ride to the ISS sometime next year.

Friday, 12 April 2013

Synthetic Malarial drug -- A Trump card to kick Deadly Malaria out of sight...

Malaria awareness
Malaria is  a fatal disease that is responsible for so many deaths in the world.Though there is a approved treatment available for malaria, the malaria drugs are obtained naturally from plants. Due to fluctuations in the climatic conditions of the earth  the supply of this drug is not consistent. This created a big void between supply and demand which took away many lives. There is an estimate that Malaria sickens millions of people each year, killing at least 650,000 annually, mostly children. This made biologists think about synthetic ways to produce malaria drug. 

For the first time, researchers have successfully engineered a strain of baker’s yeast capable of supplying  malaria drugs on an industrial scale.The French pharmaceutical giant Sanofi has already begun brewing the microbes and announced plans to generate 70 million doses this year.The advance is the result of a 10-year odyssey in synthetic biology, the wholesale engineering of an organism’s genetic and metabolic system for practical purposes. 
    “This is the first synthetic biology project that has been scaled up to industrial manufacturing and will have a real impact in the world,” says Jack Newman, chief scientific officer at Amyris. “There should never been a shortage of artemisinin ever again.”

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Will we ever transmit thoughts telepathically from one brain to other?

There’s tantalising evidence that technology could one day allow us to transmit thoughts telepathically between two brains. The question is how far can we go?

In a lab at Harvard Medical School, a man is using his mind to wag a rat’s tailTo send his command, he merely glances at a strobe light flickering on a computer screen, and a set of electrodes stuck to his scalp detects the activity triggered in his brain. A computer processes and relays the electrodes’ signal to an ultrasound machine poised over the rat’s head. The machine delivers a train of low-energy ultrasound pulses into the rat’s brain,

Monday, 8 April 2013

Travelwide - Your perfect companion When you are on a move..

Click here to see what this cam is capable of.

If you are a hardcore photographer and you feel your camera as a part of your body, This cam is for you people to carry your cam when you are on the go.

Large format photography is often associated with heavy metal box studio cameras that, put simply, aren't ideal for lugging around.

Chicago-based camera company Wanderlust is hoping to lighten the load. Last week, the duo — Ben Syverson and Justin Lundquist — started a Kickstarter campaign for a portable and ultralight 4x5 film camera called Travelwide.

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

"SAGE III Ozone Sensor" To Be Installed On Space Station Next Year.

  NASA is planning to launch a new, highly-sophisticated space-based ozone sensor to help monitor the layer of atmosphere that helps protect the planet from some of the sun’s harshest UV rays, the US space agency announced on Friday.Dubbed the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III (SAGE III), the sensor is currently scheduled to be installed on the International Space Station (ISS) sometime in 2014. According to NASA, SAGE III will be using the sun and moon as light sources to help monitor the recovery of the ozone layer, which blocks solar UV rays that would otherwise burn skin and cause cancer.

Al Worden: ‘The loneliest human being’

AI Worden
Imagine being alone in a dark place in a forest with cent percent silence...This might be the scariest moment we ever think of..We feel we are completely isolated and lonely but there is man who spent much time with himself leaving all of us by a largest distance possible.. This is the actual definition of loneliness..

 Seven men in the history of humanity stand apart from the rest of us. These are the Apollo command module pilots who spent time alone in orbit around the Moon, while their colleagues walked on the lunar surface. When they were on the far side of the Moon, these astronauts were completely out of contact, and further from Earth, than anyone had ever been before. Or has ever been since. out of these seven only five are alive and one among them is Worden.

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Wearable Cat ears can judge your mood and conveys it to the world around you..

click here to watch video
What if you could tell whether or not a friend were paying attention to you based on the position of his ears?
That’s the idea behind Necomimi, a pair of cat-like ears that track your brain waves and move based on what you’re thinking. The ears are being shown off on the floor of this year’s Game Developers Conference in San Francisco.
These ears will perk up when you’re paying attention to something, then relax when you do, lying dormant to each side. When you get excited about something, the ears will wag back and forth, displaying your enthusiasm to the world around you.

Saturday, 30 March 2013

"GOOGLE'S advanced spell check" --- Coming soon

     Google's Chrome browser wants to double check your grammar and spelling.
Google announced this week it is bringing improved spell checking to Chrome with its "Ask Google for suggestions" feature.
Chrome's spell check can suggest, for example, when you're incorrectly using certain words — such as "affect" vs. "effect" — and have even misspelled names (e.g. "Steven" instead of "Stephen").
For Example:-  Google Chrome Spell Check

Friday, 29 March 2013

Enjoy the Experience of being on MARS with an incredible panorama by curiosity

This the facebook style photograph of NASA 'S curiosity but guess who is the photographer??

The answer is that Curiosity itself is responsible for the pictures, with strong assists from image-processing gurus. These views show the six-wheeled, nuclear-powered mobile laboratory at a geological site of interest known as Glenelg, as of Sol 84 (Oct. 31). 

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Fuel Micro Charger: The Adorable And Very Tiny Emergency Phone Battery

Fuel micro charger

Most of us have faced that sense of frustration that comes when our phones battery drained and Switched off right when we need them the most. Sure, we could beat ourselves up for not charging them as long as we should have (or perhaps making a bad choice of phones), but that’s where this particularly cute Kickstarter project comes into play. Devotec’s Fuel micro charger is a terribly tiny rechargeable external battery for when a smartphone’s charge goes low at a very emergency moment.

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The Vamp -- Adds blue tooth capability to your old speakers

If you have an old speaker collecting dust in the garage or moved in the back of the closet, there's now a clever way to make it useful again.
old speaker with VAMP in red
The London-based Paul Cocksedge Studiois raising funds on Kickstarter to develop "The Vamp," a cube-like device that attaches to any speaker and adds Bluetooth capability. Instead of buying new Bluetooth speakers, The Vamp sort of makes the old speakers relevant again.

Sunday, 24 March 2013

World Wide Maze - Google chrome turns your favorite website into a maze to play.

A Google Chrome Experiment turns your favorite webpage into a smartphone-controlled maze.
Google's latest Chrome Experiment turns your Web browser inside out and upside down — literally. World Wide Maze turns users' favorite websites into their personal playground, creating a 3D maze through which gamers navigate a sort of electronic pinball toward the finish line.Appropriately called World Wide Maze, playing the game simply requires you to have Chrome installed on both your computer and your smartphone. 

Saturday, 23 March 2013

Have a peep into Einstein's life--some Interesting facts

Some interesting and revealing incidents from the life of Albert Einstein,
who was honoured by Time magazine as the Man of the Century...I dont know whether these are true but are interesting that is why i am posting here..have a look...

One day during a speaking tour, Albert Einstein's driver, who often sat at the back of the hall during his lectures, remarked that he could probably give the lecture himself, having heard it so many times. Sure enough, at the next stop on the tour, Einstein and the driver switched places, with Einstein sitting at the back in his driver's uniform.Having delivered a flawless lecture, the driver was asked a difficult question by a member of the audience. "Well, the answer to that question is quite simple," he casually replied. "I bet my driver, sitting up at the back there, could answer it!"

Friday, 22 March 2013

Cool Tools-- To back up your FB pics and the pics in which you were tagged in..

                         Facebook has for a long time been the place where we post our photos online. Why? Because it’s a convenient place where everyone we know can see what we’re up to. But what about an easy way to make sure those photos are safe should anything happen to Facebook or our own profile?Sure, you might have those original photos on your laptop or phone (or both) and you're hopefully backing them up in your laptop, but how do you save and back up all of the other photos uploaded by others, which you’ve been tagged in????
                       Thankfully, there are several tools you can use. Some are automated, while others require your manual efforts, but all ensure that your photos are safe and securely backed up.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

CERN-God particle observed with a great deal of precision

Last summer, physicists announced that they had identified a particle with characteristics of the elusive Higgs boson, the so-called "God particle." But, as often the case in science, they needed to do more research to be more certain.
On Thursday, scientists announced that the particle, detected at the Large Hadron Collider, the world's most powerful particle-smasher, looks even more like the Higgs boson.The news came at the Moriond Conference in La Thuile, Italy, from scientists at the Large Hadron Collider's ATLAS and Compact Muon Solenoid experiments. These two detectors are looking for unusual particles that slip into existence when subatomic particles crash into one another at high energies.Scientists have analyzed two and a half times more data than they had when the first announced the Higgs boson results last July 4.

Monday, 18 March 2013

Miniature Inch worms-- These are soon going to explore our body

click here to watch video

The "Mission: Impossible" music might be a bit much here, but the mechanical design is pretty clever: moving segments equipped with clamps alternately retract and extend, propelling the inchworm robot forward. All it takes a single motor to spin the thing, and since it's so simple, you can crank it up to 5 cm/s, which is seriously quick for a robot like this. But perhaps the biggest advantage is efficiency: with a small on-board battery, these kinds of robots can climb vertically for hundreds of meters.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Samsung Galaxy S4 was out with high tech features

                                      SAMSUNG GALAXY S4  -   LIFE COMPANION.

Samsung launched their latest version Samsung galaxy s4 which consists of some extremely cool and user friendly features which takes the usage of mobile phones to a next level..

The two features that are worth noted are:
                  1) Smart scroll
                  2) Smart pause

Friday, 15 March 2013

BEE VENOM--- Is this the thing that Nature provided us to fight the deadliest HIV

Can this treatment give the toughest fight for the most typical and deadly virus ever known to science???
According to a new report in the journal Antiviral Therapy, researchers from the Washington University in St. Louis have found that nanoparticles loaded with bee venom are capable of destroying the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) while leaving the body’s cells unharmed. In a radical departure from traditional attempts to treat HIV, the research team says that the nanoparticles could be used to develop a prophylactic gel capable of stopping the spread of AIDS.The key ingredient in bee venom is a toxin called melittin, which is able to break through the tough protective envelope that surrounds viruses like HIV. Besides being effective against viruses, other research has shown that melittin-loaded nanoparticles are also effective tumor-cell assassins.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Kick SAT -- Tiniest and cheapest satellite ever in the history..

Zac Manchester with Kick SAT
     For the past two decades rocket science has been considered the subject of matter of top research agencies like NASA,ISRO etc..but for the first time a successful attempt has been made to design a personal satellite that too at an affordable price.    Cornell University graduate student Zac Manchester has been lent this lab to develop a revolutionary satellite named KickSat. This 30cm- (12in-)  long satellite will contain 200 even smaller satellites,called sprites. Around the size of a couple of postage stamps, these are probably the smallest spacecraft ever developed.Not only is the design of this space project unique but also the way it is being funded. Money for KickSat has been raised through the crowd-funding website kick starter and the sprites are allocated to the project’s supporters. Top firms like BBC also sponsored the project.Zac says:- “I’d like to think of it as the people’s satellite,” says Manchester. “We’re pushing towards a personal satellite, where you can afford to put your own thing in space.”

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

ROBO EARTH--It's Robot's World Wide Web

Robots to get their own internet

Robots too could soon have an equivalent of Internet and wikipedia
European scientists have embarked on a project to let robots share and store what they discover about the world.
click here to watch and subscribe to Robo earth videos
Called RoboEarth it will be a place that robots can upload data to when they master a task, and ask for help in carrying out new ones.Researchers behind it hope it will allow robots to come into service more quickly, armed with a growing library of knowledge about their human masters.

IBM Watson Project....A Doctor's friend

       IBM has started a project named WATSON which was intended to support the doctors during diagnosis and treatment of the patients...Its functionality is presently dedicated to Oncology 
( Branch of sicence which deals with cancer cells) and in future it can enter the other fields too..

        Watson's brain consists of 90 dedicated servers at IBM's research facility..
click here to see how watson assists the doctor

What  actually WATSON intended to do???
      WATSON is not a substitute for a doctor its just a Doctor's friend which assists him during the treatment..It keep on tracking the updates regarding oncology and store those  in it servers..soon after its training period  Watson will be able to examine a patient’s history and test results, search the medical literature, and make a recommendation for the patient’s treatment. To make the task manageable, the computer program’s studies have so far been limited to oncology: